Strength & Conditioning

Strength training is a vital component of fitness and is one area of exercise prescription that can vary widely from person to person.

Your bespoke strength programme will include exercises targeting core strength as well as the major muscle groups in various combinations working against resistance and building strength, agility and balance. At bioSports we utilise a combination of weights, gravity, resistance and your own body to progressively increase load resulting in optimum results and minimising chance of injury. Our strength programmes are designed to make your body more efficient in movement not just make you bigger. As stated if you are looking to “get massive” we are not what you are looking for.

Our strength and conditioning programmes include the use of free weights, sleds, battle ropes, plyo boxes, TRX, ViPR’s, boxing and gymnastics providing a fun and highly efficient form of training which never gets boring.

Contact us today to find out more about strength and conditioning.


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