Testimonials from our clients

I started training with Phil for rehab following knee surgery and Phil helped me make a full and swift recovery. The training was impressive and so I've continued to train with Phil and since then my fitness, form and strength has improved. Phil has helped me identify my strong and weak points and focus on both and has improved my nutrition/diet. Phil has put together several structured gym programmes for me which has helped my own gym sessions. Phil is very passionate about training and pushes me to make sure I get everything I can out of each session - which is just what I want, worth every penny.

Steve Rothery

Training with Phil is more than just rocking up at the gym for a personal training session, it's a lifestyle thing - it's about understanding you get out what you put in. He demands maximum effort but the results are worth it, never been fitter and healthier.

Karen Cording

I've worked with Phil for nearly 10 years, at the start I was undergoing tests for a brain tumour as well suffering from various other medical problems. Phil helped to keep me fit and on track throughout my diagnosis and treatment, giving me encouragement and guidance when I needed it but also providing a kick up the backside when I was feeling sorry for myself. Over the years Phil has become much more than a personal trainer, he is a mentor, coach, trainer, physio and above all friend. Phil's multi-disciplinary approach means he can adapt exercise to suit your needs as well as making his sessions, challenging yet fun and varied. I couldn't recommend Phil enough.

Sian Fletcher

Phil created a couple of bespoke training programmes for me to follow to meet my training needs and I was delighted with the outcomes. He is an exceptional motivational personal trainer who is dedicated to helping others succeed in their goals. Inspirational, emotive and driven are a few words I would use to describe Phil (plus a few more unrepeatable ones when he is in training mode!). Phil is highly qualified with a wealth of experience - a true professional in his field.

Terry Hegarty

I started training with Phil in 2009. I am probably the least likely person to sign up with a personal trainer. At school, I spent pretty much every sports afternoon in the local cafe. In my 20s, I went to the gym sometimes, but I didn't really know what I was doing. I signed up for training because I wanted to try getting fitter, but I didn't believe it would work. I'd been attending the gym Phil was training at, and I liked the fact that he had clients of different ages and that he seemed to talk to them in very different ways. It's one of the best things I've ever done. Phil is never pushy and always makes the sessions fun. But he completely changed my understanding of what part exercise and a healthy lifestyle might play in my life. I got fitter than I had imagined was possible within the first year (dropping from 20% to 12% body fat), his advice transformed my diet, I slept better and had more energy, and he gave me loads of confidence. These impacts have been lasting. I recently ran a half marathon and when I lived abroad for six months, one of the first things I did was to join a gym. If, like me, you think you'd like to get in shape but lack the confidence or knowledge you need - or if you don't yet believe exercise can be fun - I cannot recommend Phil highly enough.

Tom Sperlinger

Phil listened to my training needs, devised a programme targeted on the areas that I wanted to focus on but also helped ensure that it was balanced and I was stretched to achieve my targets. Phil is particularly good at evolving the programme to keep it 'fresh' using his experience to judge when to make those changes.

Mark Smith

Since I started personal training the sessions have been strenuous but always with humour and goodwill (and patience on his part!) and they have really produced results. What I particularly appreciate is that these are tailored to my requirements which Phil and I discussed in detail. I was then provided with a programme which I can use on the days I don't see him for a personal training session. There are regular assessments so my progress can be measured - very motivating - and the programme is then updated as appropriate and to stop it becoming monotonous . Plus I receive little (friendly) reminders if have been a bit remiss in making it to the gym. Keeps me focused!

Gill Cox

Having successfully avoided any physical exertion (apart from walking) since leaving school, I decided at age 60 I had better do something to stave off old age. I enrolled at my local gym and thought I better get some advice so employed Phil to help get me started. I have found Phil to be fair, empathetic, reliable and loyal. He is well qualified having not only personal training qualifications but also a degree in Sports Science. He keeps up-to-date with new developments and regularly reviews my programme. He is well informed with regard to nutrition and my dietary requirements. In short he is an excellent trainer.

Maggie Weber

I have been training with Phil since 2009 and he has helped me achieve many of my life goals. Firstly there was a brown belt in jui jitsu and then there was the, all important, wedding dress goal. He is very sensitive to individual limitations and is always positive, while ensuring that each session provides adequate challenges. His knowledge goes beyond just a catalogue of physical exercises, to nutritional advice, injury prevention and recovery.

Lorna Purnell

I trained with Phil for 6 years during which time he worked with me to devise programmes and deliver results for many different personal goals including marathons, triathlons, pre-wedding toning and maintenance of fitness levels during pregnancy. Phil is a truly excellent trainer, his has a huge amount of knowledge and experience that he applies to many different aspects of his work. His programmes are varied, challenging, gruelling at times but are also fun, rewarding and most importantly they work. He provided me with good overall fitness and nutritional advice and with the right level of support to achieve my goals and to maintain a good level of fitness when I wasn't training for a specific event.

Cliona Axford

Working with Phil over the past year has energised my training regimes, leading to a 6% lowering of my body fat percentage and 5 cms off my waist. All done through understanding my goals and constantly encouraging me to push myself beyond what I thought was achievable. Not bad for a 56 year old!

Steve Over

I have trained with Phil for many years and he is a great PT. His work outs and training plans are tailored for my current objectives whether it's to get stronger for climbing, train for my first triathlon or lose weight and get fit again after too long away from the gym. He sets them at the right level to push me and get the best out of the time I spend training. They're also varied so I never get bored repeating the same exercises and he still manages to come up with something new even after all these years.

Sarah Kruger

I have been training with Phil for over 7 years having originally purchased ten sessions to add a bit of ‘spark’ into my tired and boring gym routine. After the initial consultation it became clear to me that Phil was not like other trainers and with his background in sport science and knowledge of the human body he was soon helping me with physiotherapy exercises on long term knee injuries and I was able to find the confidence in my knee I had enjoyed before my injuries. Phil always get the balance right with his sessions which I still look forward to and enjoy. Nutrition advice is available (as well as relationship advice) which is offered with a smile and free from judgement if not adhered too! I have and will continue to recommend Phil to anyone who is looking for a PT and like many others would now count him as a close friend.

Oliver Duke

I've trained with Phil for five years and have found him to be the perfect balance of professionalism and banter. We take regular assessments, measuring body fat percentage, weight and overall dimensions, and our sessions are always varied, which keeps me interested. Knowing you're coming to the gym each week to meet someone for a booked appointment increases your commitment and motivation. A lot of the time if I didn't have sessions with Phil in my diary, I wouldn't bother going to the gym and would fall out of routine. Phil is very good at understanding what motivates his clients - for me, it was usually an upcoming holiday, and wanting to be beach ready. You get out what you put in, so work hard with Phil, and you'll see results.

Sarah Murray

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