Myofascial Cupping

Myofascial cupping is a soft tissue therapy that encourages healing by creating a negative pressure or suction on the skin using plastic cups that pull up underlying tissues, blood, and other fluids close to the surface of the skin. Fascial restrictions can exert up to 2000lbs/sq inch of pressure on the body, cupping helps to release these restrictions and can help reduce pain and muscular tightness.


While many assume that cupping originated in China with traditional Chinese medicine, the earliest records of cupping date back to Egypt in 1550 BC. Egyptians are believed to have introduced it to the Greeks around 400 BC.

The earliest recorded use of cupping in Asian medical systems dates back to a Taoist alchemist and herbalist who lived from 281 to 341 AD. Eventually, cupping was spread to the Americas and to Europe.

Cupping has increased in popularity and is used as an integrative therapy in modern medicine. Myofascial cupping is usually incorporated into other manual therapy techniques such as massage therapy, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, and other injury rehabilitation techniques.

Myofascial cupping on the calf and plantar fascia


A myofascial cupping treatment uses a combination of massage strokes and negative pressure to lift, separate, and stretch underlying soft tissues. Cupping is typically applied on the neck, shoulders, back, sacrum, hip, abdomen, thigh, calves, and upper arms.

Areas of musculoskeletal tension or congestion are located using massage techniques, and cups may be applied on an affected area and moved over the surface in a gliding motion, or possibly put on a fascial adhesion or trigger point for a short time to reduce or eliminate it. At bio sports we also utilise the combination of cupping and muscle energy techniques to release adhesions in the fascia.

Myofascial cupping uses cups made of hard plastic which have soft squeezable bulbs at one end and some are attached to a manual pump that creates the suction. This method avoids the danger of using heat and fire to depressurize the cups. Cupping procedures may leave light to dark red marks on the skin that disappear in 5 to 10 days.

Myofascial cupping on the thigh


Myofascial cupping can help treat soft tissue conditions and musculoskeletal tension, pain, and common sporting injuries. It can also create relaxation by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system.

Contact us today to find out more about myofascial cupping.


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