bio sports specialise in functional fitness and physical therapy

Improving general health and wellness

By combining functional movement exercises with sports massage treatment techniques bio sports is able to optimise how you use your body. Whether you are a competitive athlete looking to gain an edge or you are simply looking to lead a healthy, pain free lifestyle we can help you achieve your goals.


Designed to produce a balanced physical structure

bio sports approach to fitness is based on the study of human biomechanics and is designed to produce a balanced physical structure which in turn results in optimal movement patterns. By incorporating the most recent research regarding fascial meridians and kinetic chain activation, the exercises prescribed to our clients help reduce prevalence of injury and increase dynamic strength and fitness.

If you are looking to “get massive” we are not for you.

Our programmes are designed to produce a highly efficient physiological structure not one that is just aesthetically pleasing on your Insta page.

Mobility is the key factor to maintaining a functional physique. There is no point in having an overly muscular body if it doesn’t allow you to move correctly and efficiently.

At bio sports we analyse your posture and help you to correct any imbalances which may be inhibiting your body’s ability to activate your muscles in the correct sequence. By correcting your imbalances this allows your muscles to work more effectively and hence increases strength and power output during activity and significantly reduces your chances of injury.

Why not get in touch to see how we can help you?